Another interesting and exciting way to make money online is through selling T-shirts and other items of clothing at an online clothing store website. There are many various online clothes sites that allow people to set up free stores with them, also allowing them to upload their own images and logos to use on the items of clothing that they choose. The clothing site simply takes a commission on the final price of the item of clothing sold.
Two of the most popular online clothes store-providers are CafePress and SpreadShirt. Both of these companies allow people to set up a shop with them online completely free, and enables the user to choose and upload their own images, which are then displayed on items of clothing. You will also receive your own online store webpage, which will be used to display all the products that you have available to purchase. You can pass this website URL on to potential customers, who can then view and purchase any of your products. You can see an example of a shop that we created at SpreadShirt here. You can see an example of a shop that we created at CafePress here.
How To Set Up Your Own Online Clothes Store
To set up your own online clothes store you simply need to choose an online store-provider. We recommend that you use SpreadShirt if you are based in the UK or Europe, and that you use CafePress if you are based in the USA or anywhere else. You simply need to visit one of these sites, and then sign up to open your own free account. As mentioned before, it is completely free to open a standard account, but you can pay a small monthly fee if you want to open a premium store at CafePress (enables you to sell more items etc). It is free to use the SpreadShirt website to sell your clothing products.
Once you have created your own account at your chosen clothing site, you will be able to upload your own pictures/logos. These are the designs that will be printed on the items of clothing by the store website provider. Customers will choose clothing based on the designs available, but the customers are also able to customise clothing colours, sizes, logo placements, etc.
Making Money From Your Own Online Clothes Store
After you have created your own pieces of clothing and have uploaded your own images and logos for use on the items of clothing, you will then be able to start promoting your store. This is very important if you are trying to make money from your store - if you don't get anyone to visit your store, you won't be able to sell any of your items and thus you won't be able to make any money.
Although you will already have your own personal URL link for your clothing store (something like it probably won't get that much traffic, although some people on the CafePress site might check out your store if they see it directly on CafePress. However you will probably only get a handful of visitors this way, especially if your store doesn't really have any great items of clothing available to buy. The best way to get people to visit your store is to try and promote it on the Internet.
Set up your own free website/blog/squidoo lens dedicated to your clothing store, or if you already have your own site use the supplied banners and images and upload them to your site to try and advertise your own store. As with many things on the Internet, the best form of advertising is by word-of-mouth - so if you can design some really funny or cool t-shirt designs, you should be able to get a lot of interest in your store.
Other Ways To Make Money At Online Clothes Stores
You can also make money at the online clothes stores by selling your own logo designs and images. If you are particularly skilled at creating logos or images, perhaps you are talented with Photoshop or are very artistic or creative, you would be well suited to making money from your creations. By using the marketplaces at the clothes stores you can set a price or earn a commission based on every item sold that uses your creation. This can be a great way of making money if you are able to create some cool images, even if you have no interest in setting up your own shop.
Conclusion On Making Money From Selling Clothes
Making money online from selling clothing can be a very exciting and interesting opportunity. Not only is it completely free to do, meaning that there is absolutely no risk involved, but it can be a very lucrative form of additional income. The online store providers take care of everything involved in the sale of the clothing, such as printing the logo onto the clothes, packaging, invoicing and supplying the goods. You don't have to pay the company anything, they simple take a commission for their part in the sale. They even provide you with the webspace for advertising your clothing.
Making money from these clothes stores will definitely be worthwhile if you are a highly creative and artistic person. Not only could you set up a store and sell your own clothes with your designs on, but you could also use the marketplace to advertise and sell your designs, and simply earn a commission every time someone sells an item that bears your design - which can be a very exciting prospect.
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